HACKERTEST.NET | Level 2: Prompt!

Level 2 is still as simple as level1. You just need to understand it how it works and where to look. When the page loads a prompt box opens up and asks for a password. So you can simply open up the source code using ctrl+U and find where this source code is.

You will see something like this. This pass variable takes the value that is entered by the user and compares it with the string l3l.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  var pass, i;
  pass=prompt("Please enter password!","");
  if (pass=="l3l") {

For those of you who are still wondering the answer is l3l.

Good luck!!!

HACKERTEST.NET | Level 1: Log In

Level 1 of hackertest.net is really simple if you have a little knowledge of HTML and javascript. With that you can always try googling the answers. But the key to hacking is learning.

The mission does not gives any kind of intro or hint, no worries. We do always have the usual steps to start from. First thing to hacking is understanding HTML (source code), the language of the web page, it gives a lot vital information that will make an hack easy.

Continue reading “HACKERTEST.NET | Level 1: Log In”


Another site that I came across recently, with real serious hacking missions is hackertest.net. They have a series of 20 exotic mission to test your skills requiring knowledge of JavaScript, PHP, HTML and stuff like that. Here is what they say about themselves.

HackerTest.net is your own online hacker simulation. With 20 levels that require different skills to get to another step of the game, this new real-life imitation will help you advance your security knowledge. HackerTest.net will help you improve your JavaScript, PHP, HTML and graphic thinking in a fun way that will entertain any visitor! Have a spare minute? Log on! Each level will provide you with a new, harder clue to find a way to get to another level. Will you crack HackerTest.net?

Missions on this site are pretty good and need harder efforts as you move on to harder levels. Good luck!!!