Insertion And Deletion Operation Over Multiple Queue In C language

A simple C language program to implement multiple queues in a single dimension array.
This is a revised version of Insertion And Deletion Operation Over Multiple Queue | multiple queue in data structure.

# define max 20

int insq (int queue[max], int qno, int rear[], int limit[], int *data) {
	if (rear[qno] == limit[qno])
	else {
		rear[qno]++; //... rear[qno] = rear[qno] + 1;
		queue[ rear[qno] ] = *data;
	} // else
} // insq

int delq (int queue[max], int qno, int front[], int rear[], int *data) {
	if( front[qno] == rear[qno] )
	else {
		front[qno]++; //... front[qno] = front[qno] + 1;
		*data = queue[ front[qno] ];
	} // else
} // delq

int getQueueNumber(int n) {
	int qNo=0;
	printf("\n Enter a Logical Queue Number (1 to %d) : ", n);
	scanf("%d", &qNo);
	if (qNo<1 || qNo >n) {
		printf(" Invalid Queue Number. Please try again.\n");
		goto Inva;
	return qNo;

void main() {
	int queue[max],  data;
	int bott[10], limit[10], f[10], r[10];
	int i, n, qno, size, option, reply;

	printf("\n C Language program to implement the Multiple Queues \n");
	printf("\n How Many Queues ? : ");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	size = max / n; //... Get Max. size for each Queue

	//... Initialize bottom for each Queue

	bott[0] = -1; //... Bottom of first Queue is -1
	for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
		bott[i] = bott[i-1] + size;

	//... Initialize Limit of each Queue

	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) //... Limit of i'th Queue is equal to bottom of i'th Queue + Size
		limit[i] = bott[i] + size;

	//... Initialize Front & Rear of each Queue
	//... Initial value of Front & Rear of each Queue is same as its Bottom Value

	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		f[i] = r[i] = bott[i];

	//... Process the Queues

	do {
		printf("\n\n C Language program to implement the Multiple Queues \n");
		printf("\n 1. Insert in a Queue");
		printf("\n 2. Delete from a Queue");
		printf("\n 3. Print from a Queue");
		printf("\n 3. Exit \n");
		printf("\n Select proper option ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4) : ");
		scanf("%d", &option);
		switch(option) {
			case 1 : //... Insert
				qno	= getQueueNumber(n);
				printf("\n Enter Data : ");
				scanf("%d", &data);
				reply = insq(queue, qno-1, r, limit, &data);
				if( reply == -1)
					printf("\n Queue %d is Full \n", qno);
					printf("\n %d is inserted in a Queue No. %d \n", data, qno);
			case 2 : //... Delete
				qno	= getQueueNumber(n);
				reply = delq(queue, qno-1, f, r, &data);
				if( reply == -1)
					printf("\n Queue %d is Empty \n", qno);
					printf("\n %d is deleted from Queue No. %d \n", data, qno);
			case 3:
				qno	= getQueueNumber(n);
				printf("\n Elements of Queue %d are as : ", qno);
				if (f[qno-1]==r[qno-1]) {
					printf("\n Queue is empty");
				for (i=f[qno-1]+1; i<=r[qno-1]; i++)
					printf("%d\t", queue[i]);
			case 4 :
				printf("\n Invalid input. Please try again.");
		} // switch
} // main

Error handling in PHP with Error logger working

Error handling in PHP with Error logger working

Logging errors in php is easy, cool and helpful when it comes to test the site for errors as I explained it in my earlier post Logging errors to file in PHP but only till the site is at developer’s end and you working on it. Once you take the site live its just not good anymore. Once you take it on the production end, you cannot show the errors to the user or in case if its even 100% error free you will find that 1 in a 100 person who likes to mess up with the sites. Being a programmer you gotta be ready for it. This is the place where comes error handling into play.

Here is a simple script. Just place these two functions in a file and include it at the right place. Probably including from the point onward from where you expect and error would be just perfect.

// Define a custom error handler
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile = '', $errline = 0, $errcontext = array()) {
	// Getting error type
	$errorType = array (
			E_ERROR				=> 'ERROR',
			E_NOTICE			=> 'NOTICE',
	if (array_key_exists($errno, $errorType)) {
		$err = $errorType[$errno];
	} else {
	// Getting the error log file from php.ini
	$file 		= ini_get('error_log');
	// Creating the error log script, same as normal logger would do
	$error_string 	= "[" . date("d-M-Y H:i:s", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . '] PHP ' . $err . '::' . $errstr . " in " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] . " on line " . $errline . "\r\n";
	// Logging error to a certain file
	error_log($error_string, 3, $file);
	// Check if the error code is not included in error_reporting
	if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
	// Restore default handlers to prevent errors in errors
	if (function_exists('restore_exception_handler')) {
	// Load error page

// Define a custom handler for uncaught exceptions
if (function_exists('set_exception_handler')) {
	function userExceptionHandler($exception) {
		// Restore default handlers to prevent errors in errors
		if (function_exists('restore_exception_handler')) {
		// Load error page

Note: Once you start error handling in real time error logging stops. To overcome this a short code is included inside the function that uses PHP’s error_log function to log errors. So if you have a specific error log file, just point it towards that.

Good luck!!!

Generating a simple jquery popup

Recently I needed to make a simple pop up box in WordPress and I searched for plugins to achieve what I wanted but failed. Well, if you look for it, you will surely find many plugins for JQuery popup as well as WordPress popup but none helped me. In my lookout for the plugin I found this really cool and simple script that would do the required work for you with just simple tweaks.

Demo: Click me.


Continue reading “Generating a simple jquery popup”

Increase PHP Script Execution Time Limit

Every once in a while I need to process a HUGE file. Though PHP probably isn’t the most efficient way of processing the file, I’ll usually use PHP because it makes coding the processing script much faster. To prevent the script from timing out, I need to increase the execution time of the specific processing script. Here’s how I do it.

ini_set('max_execution_time', 60); //60 seconds = 1 minutes

Place this at the top of your PHP script and let your script loose!

Turn off Gmail ads or web clips

Gmail by default shows ads also called web clips above the list of emails. It’s easy to switch these off but they’re not intuitively named when looking at Gmail’s settings. This post shows how to switch them off.

To remove the web clips, click the settings cog icon above-right from the message list. This will show a drop down menu where you can select the Settings option.

On the next page along the top of the settings are a series of tabs/options. Open the Web Clips tab and uncheck the Show my web clips above the Inbox checkbox. You don’t need to click a button to save, it immediately takes effect.

Now go back to your inbox and there are no longer any ads above the message list.